This website and our Halo Toys Etsy shop are the only sources authorized to distribute and sell our original copyrighted dolls, toys and gifts. Please contact us if you see our products being sold anywhere else. Thank you!

Halo Toys is named after Harry and Lou...our faithful dads and our joyous moms...Margaret and Margaret.
"Sunshine's View" is our little homestead and studio in Southwestern Ohio where we live, work and play.
Everything you see on our website, we have designed, created and constructed with the guidance of the King.
We are all about faith, family, friends and fun,
and support life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
We call ourselves "Down to Earth Friendly".
It would be our great joy to make a handmade doll, toy or gift for your child, grandchild, grandparent, church, classroom...or just for you!

Sunshine's View

About Halo Toys and HeBo
• Dollmakers
• Toymakers
• Writers
• Artists
• Speakers
• Down to Earth Friendly
For more information on Jesus the Christ Ministry, please visit: www.jesusthechristministry.org
For more information about our outreach or to brook our program, "Called to Become Like a Child, please visit:
Please contact HeBo at Halo Toys.
We would love to hear from you!
Dominus Est!
David and Patricia Bowling, aka HeBo, are the owners of Halo Toys and founders of Jesus the Christ Ministry. God's love, the wonder of His creation and the promise of His Kingdom, inspires us in everything we do...including making dolls and toys and being presenters of our outreach program,
"Called to Become Like a Child".