Why Muddy Puddy?
It is good old fashioned fun!
Kids are like mud magnets, instinctively they are just drawn to the dirt.
That is where Muddy Puddy comes in--it is a good clean toy dirt dough.
Muddy Puddy is unique because earth is the main ingredient.
Muddy Puddy is a soft, pliable play modeling compound.
Even though Muddy Puddy might get your hands a little "earthy", it washes away clean.
Muddy Puddy is a great way to just let your children play while using their imaginations and creative skills.
Form Muddy Puddy letters and numbers with your children to foster reading and math skills.
Muddy Puddy is a fun way to educate children about the earth's resources.
Muddy Puddy can help you guide your kids to practice proper hand washing skills when it comes time to clean up.
Modeling results vary depending on child's age and level of skill.